Today: U.S. to Recognize Utah Marriages , The December Jobs Report Is Drunk , 70M Target Customers Hacked
Cheat Sheet: Afternoon

January 10, 2014

Fox News has been uncharacteristically quiet about the upcoming tell-all Roger Ailes biography, but the media empire seems to have been doing secret investigative work on writer Gabriel Sherman. The Daily Beast’s David Freedlander on the potential blitzkrieg.


This won’t be controversial at all. Attorney General Eric Holder said Friday that the federal government will be giving federal marriage benefits to the same-sex couples who got marriage licenses after a federal judge struck down the ban on gay marriage in Utah. 1,300 gay couples wed in Utah before the Supreme Court issued a stay on Monday. “I am confirming today that, for purposes of federal law, these marriages will be recognized as lawful and considered eligible for all relevant federal benefits on the same terms as other same-sex marriages,” Holder said in a video. Holder’s move comes after the governor’s office said the state would not recognize the marriages.


With only 74K new jobs and the unemployment rate at its lowest since 2008, the December monthly jobs report dumped a steaming pile of caution on the red carpet of economic optimism. The Daily Beast’s Daniel Gross unpacks the disappointing—and confusing—numbers.


According to a report by NBC, Target's massive data breach may have affected as many as 110 million customers. While some of the stolen information—reportedly collected between November 27 and December 15—was partial, it could include the name, address, phone number, and e-mail address of the customer. "I know that it is frustrating for our guests to learn that this information was taken and we are truly sorry they are having to endure this," said Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel. Target is offering a year of free credit monitoring and identity theft protection to all of its U.S. customers as a result.


Memo to West Virginians: don’t drink the water. A chemical spill in a river has led to a tap water ban for up to 300,000 people in West Virginia, and has shut down bars and restaurants. The incident has been a declared a disaster by the federal government and Governor Earl Ray Tomblin. The contaminated water is reportedly giving off a licorice-like smell in the towns. Symptoms for those who drink the water include severe burning in throat, severe eye irritation, non-stop vomiting, trouble breathing or severe skin irritation such as skin blistering. “Right now, our priorities are our hospitals, nursing homes, and schools," the governor said in a statement.

Teen Gets Pakistan’s Top Honor
For tackling suicide bomber.
Central African President Quits
After failing to stop violence.
Google Sorry for Hitler Mistake
On its Google Maps.
Drunk Arm Wrestlers Cut Off Ears
During an Orthodox Christmas celebration.
French Daytime Bans Miley, Britney
For being ‘shocking’ and ‘explicit.’

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