Today: NSA Infiltrates Computers Via Radio Waves , Does This Ruling Mean The End of the Internet? Maybe. , Iran Sanctions Battle Heats Up
Cheat Sheet: Morning

January 15, 2014

Here we go again. Florida’s Stand Your Ground law has been invoked in the defense of 71-year-old Curtis Reeves, the former cop accused of shooting and killing Chad Oulson, 43, who was texting his daughter’s daycare provider before the start of a movie. The Daily Beast’s Michael Daly writes this tragic case proves Stand Your Ground shouldn’t be a defense but a co-defendant. The law lowers the threshold of when deadly force can be used—it’s no longer the last resort.


Just when you thought the National Security Agency couldn’t seem more like a bad spy movie, The New York Times reports that the beleaguered government agency has been using secret technology to enter and alter data in personal computers overseas. Relying on a channel of radio waves that can be transmitted from circuit boards and USB cards secretly inserted into computers, agents can collect surveillance miles from their targets. The NSA claims that the radio wave surveillance is “active defense,” rather than an attack on others. The Times reports there’s no evidence that such surveillance has been used domestically.


Think cable TV sucks? Thanks to a court ruling Tuesday, Internet service providers like Verizon could now slow or even block certain types of traffic. The Daily Beast’s Craig Aaron, president of Free Press, writes the public better speak up about it before it’s too late.


A bill to bring new sanctions against Iran won’t get a vote in the Senate thanks to Harry Reid, but hawkish lawmakers plan to pass it in the House first, The Daily Beast’s Josh Rogin reports. The White House warns such a move would kill diplomatic talks and even lead to war.


The Washington gridlock unsurprisingly continues into 2014. Attempts at a bipartisan deal to extend benefits for the long-term unemployed fizzled yesterday in the Senate. Some 1.4 million Americans have lost aid since the benefits expired last month. A critical vote to end debate failed 55-45 in a largely party-line vote. “I am still hopeful that while it does not look very good right now, that we can come together” said Senator Susan Collins (R-ME).

Springsteen, Fallon Mock Christie
“Born to Run”-style.
Paul and Ringo to Reunite
For a performance at the Grammys.
next up
Okla. Gay-Marriage Ban Struck Down
But unions won't be allowed just yet.
Danish Woman Gang-Raped in Delhi
No arrests have been made.
Thousands Protest Thai Government
Two people shot and wounded.

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