March 25, 2014

A comprehensive study of Saudi textbooks by the U.S. government was completed in 2012 but the State Department has declined to release it, Eli Lake reports. For example, previous textbooks have likened Christians and Jews to apes and pigs. The materials are used not only in the kingdom’s schools, but in others around the world.


President Obama plans to unveil new legislation that will put an end to the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone records, according to a New York Times report. If it passes through Congress, the proposed overhaul will eliminate one of the most controversial aspects of the NSA’s data collection. Under the new plan, the government would have to obtain individual orders from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to obtain records for specific numbers rather than systematically collect and store phone records in bulk.


While most of the world is watching Ukraine or dealing with internal problems, Syria has entered the fourth year of its bloody conflict, with almost 150,000 dead and 9 million refugees. Now, reports Abdulhamid Qabbani, Syrians worry that media fatigue over their situation has settled in, and the feeling of being forgotten by the international community is increasing.


There are now 14 confirmed dead and 176 people unaccounted for in Washington state, according to the authorities working on the devastating mudslide in Snohomish County. Crews were delayed on Monday due to the threat of a secondary landslide. After none were found Monday, the search for survivors continues Tuesday morning with help from the National Guard. A wall of mud and debris wiped out neighborhoods and a highway about 55 miles north of Seattle. Roughly 30 homes were hit by the mudslide, and people could still be trapped inside. However, John Pennington, who heads the county's Department of Emergency Management, said the 176 missing is a "soft number" and insists the total casualty figures will not be as large. The landslide started after rain-soaked embankments on Route 530 gave way on Saturday morning. According to Gov. Jay Inslee, rescuers who went in on Saturday “got dragged in up to their armpits and had to be dragged out by ropes themselves.” The mud is 15 feet deep in some places.


Just a day after an Egyptian court handed down the death sentence to 529 members of the Muslim Brotherhood, that same court on Tuesday will begin a mass trial of 683 Islamist suspects facing charges of murder and sabotage. The first verdict came after only a two-day trial. Only 60 of the 683 defendants were in court on Tuesday—623 of them are being tried in absentia.

Civilian Shoots, Kills U.S. Sailor
At Norfolk, Virginia, naval base.
4 Arrested for WTC Base Jump
After leaping from top of One World Trade Center in September.
Nets May Become Russian
To support Vladimir Putin.
Neon Trees Frontman Comes Out
Tyler Glenn tells Rolling Stone he's gay.
Judge Joe Brown Jailed After Spat
For contempt of court by a real judge.
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