March 26, 2014

Apparently hypocrisy isn’t a term the Kremlin is familiar with. While Russia has given asylum to Edward Snowden, Moscow has been intercepting and leaking private phone calls between Western and Ukrainian officials. Eli Lake reports that it’s part of a Russian strategy to publicize the private, and often damaging, conversations of their adversaries.


Facebook announced Tuesday that it will purchase Oculus VR Inc. for $2 billion, in a deal involving $400 million in cash and 23.1 million shares of Facebook. Oculus specializes in immersive virtual-reality technology and has gained attention for its headset, Oculus Rift. “Mobile is the platform of today, and now we’re also getting ready for the platforms of tomorrow,” said Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder and CEO. “Oculus has the chance to create the most social platform ever, and change the way we work, play, and communicate.”


While President Obama has become a pariah, Hillary Clinton has become a sought-after presence for Democrats this year. David Freedlander reports her 2016 political operation, the Ready for Hillary super PAC, is about to get a test drive now as it enlists its 2 million supporters to help candidates that Clinton endorses for November’s midterm elections.


Less than a week remains for Americans to sign up for health insurance, but the White House now says that it will extend open enrollment for people who were stopped by technical problems with the federal exchange. The original deadline was Monday, March 31. Federal officials say anyone who's begun an application on but doesn’t finish by the deadline will have until mid-April to complete the process. This change applies to the federal exchanges, although some state-run insurance exchanges in states like Maryland, Minnesota, and Nevada have taken similar steps.


Rescue crews have now found at least 16 people dead, and believe they have located eight more in Washington state, which would bring the death toll to 24 from Saturday's mudslide. While many families are still holding out hope for the 176 people reported missing, Snohomish County Fire Chief Travis Hots said that yet again on Tuesday no survivors were found. Officials say the mudslide was triggered by land made unstable by heavy rainfall. The state’s geologist, Dave Norman, said the area affected by the landslide was roughly 4,400 feet across and up to 40 feet deep in some spots. The conditions are also particularly difficult for rescue operations, as the soil has clay and silt that turns solid like cement when it dries.

Malaysia: 122 New Objects Spotted
In search for Flight 370.
Russian Warned U.S. on Tsarnaev
But he slipped through multiple times.
IRS: Bitcoin Is Not Currency
Treated as property for tax purposes.
Secret Service Men Caught Boozing
Members of “counter assault team.”
Paltrow, Martin Have Separated
After 10 years of marriage.
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