Read This, Skip That ....

January 28, 2015

The Mormon Church made a historic announcement yesterday: It doesn't want gays to be fired just because they're gay. Hallelujah? Not so fast, writes ex-Mormon Samantha Allen. The church isn't changing its beliefs: LGBT people aren't welcome inside its walls and don't even mention same-sex marriage.


Amid rumors of secret talks in Amman, Jordan has agreed in principle to the so-called Islamic State’s terms to release Sajida al-Rishawi, an Iraqi woman who was sentenced to death in Jordan for her connection to a 2005 terrorist attack on a hotel that left 60 dead. The release of al-Rishawi would, according to the terms, allow the two ISIS hostages—a Jordanian pilot and Japanese freelance journalist—to walk free. “Jordan is ready to release prisoner Sajida al-Rishawi if the Jordan pilot Lieutenant Muath al-Kasaesbeh was released and his life spared,” said Mohammad al-Momani, a government spokesperson. There was no mention of the Japanese hostage. The terrorist group had previously demanded $200 million from the Japanese government and executed one of the two Japanese hostages when the ransom wasn’t paid.


Sarah Palin gave a rambling, grammar-free speech last weekend that was an epiphany for more than one conservative. Matt Lewis writes it’s time to admit that, whatever their motivation was at the time, her critics always had a point.


President Obama will drop his plan to raise taxes on the popular college-savings accounts known as 529s. He was facing criticism from both parties for including a provision to remove breaks on 529s in his presidential budget. The announcement of his decision came hours after House Speaker John Boehner demanded the president relent on 529s “for the sake of middle-class families,” the group Obama focused on in his State of the Union address. A White House official said the plan was dropped so that Congress “can instead focus on delivering a larger package of education tax relief that has bipartisan support.”


In 2002, a prosecutor defended the death sentence for a murderer. Now he’s a federal judge and refuses to recuse himself in the same case. Andrew Cohen reports on the shady, ethically challenged Jerome Holmes.

SCOTUS OK’d Disabled Man’s Execution
Had IQ of about 70.
Hezbollah Attacks Israeli Convoy
Killing at least four soldiers.
Researchers Cure Peanut Allergy
By giving them probiotics.

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