Read This, Skip That ....

January 28, 2015
Sarah Palin gave a rambling, grammar-free speech last weekend that was an epiphany for more than one conservative. Matt Lewis writes it’s time to admit that, whatever their motivation was at the time, her critics always had a point.

Another case of measles from the outbreak at Disneyland has been confirmed in Phoenix. And 190 people at the Urgent Care Center for Children in Mesa may have been exposed. No information has been revealed about the infected woman, but the hospital confirmed that all those potentially exposed, both children and adults, have been notified. As of last week, nearly 60 cases had been accounted for in California, among others in various sates and Mexico. They all stem from Disneyland.

Prisoners’ Dilemma
Jordan has agreed to release the failed suicide bomber that ISIS wants in exchange for one of the kingdom’s pilots. One Japanese hostage may be freed as well. Christopher Dickey and Jake Adelstein write the potential deal to free two of its captives shows not only the ruthlessness of the so-called Islamic State, but its considerable political acumen.
On Message
Indiana Governor Mike Pence has attracted ridicule for his plan to set up a state-run news service. Now he says it was an ‘understandable misunderstanding.’ Lloyd Grove reports on prairie Pravda.
I’m Here So I Won’t Get Fined
Marshawn Lynch answered every question at Super Bowl media day with: “I'm here so I won’t get fined.” With just those seven words, Lynch was able to out the NFL for the circus that it is, Robert Silverman writes.

Kim Jong Un Plans to Visit Putin
Obama may also be there.
Drone Maker Deactivates D.C. Craft
After crash at White House.
ACLU: Don’t Let White House Hide Torture
By returning report to Senate.
Boko Haram Threatens ‘Big Grave’
Surround city of 2 million.
Spanish Soccer Star Wants to Lead FIFA
League is racked by scandal.

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