March 06, 2014

American journalist Liz Wahl, an anchor for RT-America, just joined Vladimir Putin’s enemy list. Wahl stunned audiences Thursday when she announced on air that she was quitting, and in an exclusive interview, she tells James Kirchick it wasn’t just about Ukraine, but rather the network’s coverage of the entire world that “made me feel sick.”


The parliament of Crimea, the southern Ukrainian region that has set off a storm in international relations, has voted to become part of the Russian Federation. The government body says the decision will now be put to the Crimean people in a referendum on March 16. The population of Crimea is mostly ethnic Russians, and pro-Russian groups have been in control of the peninsula since the toppling of Ukraine’s former president. A Ukrainian government minister says it would be unconstitutional for Crimea to join Russia.


After three years in office, the bomb-throwing, Tea Party-backed, anti-incumbent Republicans of 2010 now find themselves facing their own challengers who say they are the anti-establishment. David Freedlander reports on the new Tea Party movement seeking to oust the originals.

wasn't me

The CIA and the Senate haven't stopped butting heads. On Wednesday, CIA Director John Brennan called allegations that the agency spied on members of the Senate Intelligence Committee "wholly unsupported by fact" and said he was "deeply dismayed" by the charges. It had earlier surfaced that the CIA inspector general opened an inquiry into improper behavior of staffers during the Senate's investigation of torture by the agency. Meanwhile, Sen. Mark Udall has accused President Obama of knowing of the alleged spying on his committee's computers. Brennan said he's confident the reviewing authorities “will determine where wrongdoing, if any, occurred in either the executive branch or legislative branch.”


If you like your plan, you can keep your plan... for another two years. The Obama administration announced Wednesday that people with health-insurance plans that don't comply with the Affordable Care Act can stay on them for two more years. This concession comes on top of a previous one-year extension from the administration. Democrats will be spared the bad news of a wave of cancellations before the midterm elections this November. 

U.S. Slaps Sanctions on Russians
Visas banned.
Gaddafi Son Extradited to Libya
Saadi Gaddafi is accused of corruption.
Bitcoin Exchange CEO Found Dead
"Unnatural death."
Marine to Get Medal of Honor
Covered grenade to save comrade.
Court: Upskirt Photos Legal in MA
Overturned charges against subway creep.

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Madeleine Albright Speaks on the Ukraine Crisis

Watch Madeleine K. Albright, Amb. Catherine Russell, Valerie Jarrett, Oscar-winning director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, and activist Humaira Bachal join Tina Brown at Women in the World in Washington.

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